Monday, October 18, 2010

 "My life is my message". -Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi

Oh how true are these words! So many times we forget this as we do our day to day stuff. Gandhi lived his message and sometimes that meant fasting until all the violence stopped. Even when one of the leaders of the opposing sides came in with his weapons and said he was going to stop, Gandhi said if this man was just doing it because he (Gandhi) was starving to death, it wasn't enough. It had to real, something he believed. Only after the man assured him that he was sincere, only then did he sit up and ask for a glass of orange juice. How many of us have that kind of belief themselves. I Know i don't! Fasting until you are nearly dead and still making sure that they are not doing whatever so you wouldn't die. I have a feeling that if that man would not have been sincere, Gandhi would have continued the fast and very likely died two or three days later.
Gandhi was not the only one who's life was his message. Mother Teressa was another figure Like Gandhi. She did what she Preached. There are so many quotes on love by her. Mother Teresa India
  “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” is one of my favorites.She is a good example of living one's message. The people she brought in were the "Untouchables" of the Indian cast system. The bottom of the food chain, if you will. These were, and still unfortunately are, the people that no one takes care of. Many of them just died on the street where they had been laying for some time. I'm sure many of you have seen some of the pictures of the people she took care of. Skeletons with skin on them! Most other people wouldn't get past the smell much less actually holding them. (Some people have a hard time changing a baby's diaper:sad:)
Anyway just another bit of thinking I've been doing.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jesus Said  you must be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. He also says that if any one should cause a little one to stumble that it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and thrown into the sea. So God loves children. Why? Well there are a few reasons I think. One would be that they are so simple. They are full of questions, they have an imagination. They are free to express how they feel  even though some times it doesn't make sense to us adults. When they worship, it isn't as if they are forced to. They aren't faking it and it isn't peer pressure. Some times it sounds a bit chaotic. But It does say "Make a joyful noise." so there!

Donna K would, I think be the best example for having the heart of a child. She never acts her age spiritually  and physically. And she will tell you "I will nevah act my age!" Look at her in the gatherings. She is constantly shouting, not just saying, shouting her "Amens!" When she has something to sat she says it with boldness(Again shouting out her praises)

 I mentioned before about Children having a simple faith. They know that God is God, Jesus is their Lord and Savior, and that they should obey Him. What? No Doctrine?! Yup.  Oh that we all could be that way.
  I remember the Story that Pastor Daniel told us about that one man that went looking for someone that could heal his daughter. After passing through many villages, he finally came to a man that told him about Jesus. Overjoyed, he went through each of the villages he had already gone through proclaiming that he had found the Saviour. He didn't know the names of the apostles or the twelve disciples. he didn't know how many books there were in the bible. All he knew was Jesus and that was enough.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hi folks. This is my first time blogging. My good friend Neharah suggested  it. What a Great idea! Anyway, I hope this will continue for a long time. And These are Some of "My Thoughts"

                    Ok. How to be a man after God's own heart. Does that mean being perfect? Well if you Read through scriptures, it will tell you that you don't have to be perfect. Look At King David. God himself said that David was a man after his own heart. David did some things that make you go"What? No way." But there was some thing about David that God loved. As a human I would've most likely wrote him off. One of the few sayings David loved to say were
"Have mercy on me Oh God."
"Shout joyfully to the Lord"
"Hear my prayer oh lord"
He was constantly Praising God.
One of my favorite stories of David was after he had killed Uriah So he could marry his wife.
After he had married her,a prophet came told him that the child she bore would die. All through the night David,crying and weeping, begged and Pleaded with God to Spare the child. But The lord was adamant. And the child died.
When the news came to David of the death of his child,he got up,washed,put on nice clothes and he went to the house of God and worshiped. His servants were amazed and asked him why, when his son was alive, did he cry and weep. But when his son was dead he praised god and was happy.
His answer was that while his son was still alive,there was some chance that God might have been gracious. Since he was dead,there was no point in grieving because he couldn't bring him back. 
I thought that there was a psalm he wrote for the occasion but I can't find it. If I'm not mistaken, He Praised God for his never ending love and compassion. For his mercy and grace. How many of us can do that? I mean, we get tripped up over not getting to do the things we want to do. We Get mad when he says we can't do something that we've always wanted to do.You Know "But's it doing his work!" David is Praising god After loosing his son. Paul and Barnabas were praising god After they had been beaten and thrown in prison. Job, after loosing EVERYTHING, still would not"Curse God and die!" as his wife said. Amy Carmichael, while permanently stuck in bed and, in some cases, not being able to hold a pen, wrote songs and poems to God. Gorge muller prayed and it happened. And the list goes on and on. What do these people have in common? They all were Praising God Constantly. God loves Praise. He rewards Praise. And with that Praise is a reminder that we are all meant to be men and women after Gods own heart. When we Praise God, especially when we don't feel like it, I think that God smiles and says.
"No you're not perfect. Yes you fall short and sin. But that is not what I'm looking at. I see that you want to be mine. And I'm happy with that."
So the next time your friend says some thing that hurts. When something is not going the way you want it to. Try not to get annoyed or cross with someone. Instead, sing a song to God! you can even pull a Mala and make one on the spot.:bigsmile: 
Anyway, these are things I've been thinking about. Thought I'd share it with you all.