Monday, October 18, 2010

 "My life is my message". -Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi

Oh how true are these words! So many times we forget this as we do our day to day stuff. Gandhi lived his message and sometimes that meant fasting until all the violence stopped. Even when one of the leaders of the opposing sides came in with his weapons and said he was going to stop, Gandhi said if this man was just doing it because he (Gandhi) was starving to death, it wasn't enough. It had to real, something he believed. Only after the man assured him that he was sincere, only then did he sit up and ask for a glass of orange juice. How many of us have that kind of belief themselves. I Know i don't! Fasting until you are nearly dead and still making sure that they are not doing whatever so you wouldn't die. I have a feeling that if that man would not have been sincere, Gandhi would have continued the fast and very likely died two or three days later.
Gandhi was not the only one who's life was his message. Mother Teressa was another figure Like Gandhi. She did what she Preached. There are so many quotes on love by her. Mother Teresa India
  “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” is one of my favorites.She is a good example of living one's message. The people she brought in were the "Untouchables" of the Indian cast system. The bottom of the food chain, if you will. These were, and still unfortunately are, the people that no one takes care of. Many of them just died on the street where they had been laying for some time. I'm sure many of you have seen some of the pictures of the people she took care of. Skeletons with skin on them! Most other people wouldn't get past the smell much less actually holding them. (Some people have a hard time changing a baby's diaper:sad:)
Anyway just another bit of thinking I've been doing.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, two of my most favorite people on one of my other most favorite people's blog! Can life get better than this? I propose that it can't! Love you blogs, Josh! (Channah)
